Marcelo Lares | Currículum Vitae
Villa Carlos Paz – Córdoba – Argentina • •
Ph.D. in Astronomy National University of Córdoba, Argentina 2003– Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Diego García Lambas
National University of Córdoba Licenciado degree in Astronomy, Argentina 1997– (The Licenciado Degree comprises 32 courses including a research project in astronomy in a minimum of five years)
Instituto “El Obraje” Técnico químico, Alta Gracia–Córdoba 1991– Best score, flag escort
Current position
Researcher at CONICET, Argentina and Assistant Professor at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Member of the IAU, the AAA (Argentine Astronomial Asociation), the TOROS project and the OTHER project.
Ph.D. Thesis
- Low luminosity galaxy satellites 2004, PhD thesis, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Advisor: Diego Garcia Lambas.
Articles on indexed journals
Monte Carlo estimation of the probability of causal contacts between communicating civilizations 2020, International Journal of Astrobiology , 19(5):393– M. Lares, J. G. Funes, and L. Gramajo.
Searching for Spiritual Signatures in SETI Research 2019, Theology and Science , 17(3):373– José G. Funes, Lucio Florio, Marcelo Lares, and Mariano Asla.
Machine learning on difference image analysis: A comparison of methods for transient detection 2019, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 28, article id. 100284. , 28: B Sánchez, M J Domínguez R., M Lares, M Beroiz, J B Cabral, S Gurovich, C Quiñones, R Artola, C Colazo, M Schneiter, C Girardini, M Tornatore, J L Nilo Castellón, D García Lambas, and M C Díaz.
Properimage: Image coaddition and subtraction 2019, page ascl:1904. Bruno O Sánchez, Juan B Cabral, M Beroiz, M Domínguez, and M Lares.
TOROS Optical follow-up of the Advanced LIGO-VIRGO O2 second observational campaign 2019, page arXiv:1901. Rodolfo Artola, Martin Beroiz, Juan Cabral, Richard Camuccio, Moises Castillo, Vahram Chavushyan, Carlos Colazo, Hector Cuevas Larenas, Darren L DePoy, Mario C Díaz, Mariano Domínguez, Deborah Dultzin, Daniela Fernández, Antonio C Ferreyra, Aldo Fonrouge, José Franco, Darío Graña, Carla Girardini, Sebastián Gurovich, Antonio Kanaan, Diego G Lambas, Marcelo Lares, Alejandro F Hinojosa, Andrea Hinojosa, Americo F Hinojosa, Omar López-Cruz, Lucas M Macri, Jennifer L Marshall, Raul Melia, Wendy Mendoza, José L Nilo Castellón, Nelson Padilla, Victor Perez, Tania Peñuela, Wahltyn Rattray, Víctor Renzi, Emmanuel Ríos-López, Amelia Ramírez Rivera, Tiago Ribeiro, Horacio Rodriguez, Bruno Sánchez, Matías Schneiter, William Schoenell, Manuel Starck, Rubén Vrech, Cecilia Quiñones, Luis Tapia, Marina Tornatore, Sergio Torres-Flores, Ervin Vilchis, and Adam Zadrożny.
CPF: Corral Pipeline Framework 2018, page ascl:1808. Juan Cabral, Bruno Sanchez, Martin Beroiz, Mariano Dominguez, Marcelo Lares, Sebastian Gurovich, and Pablo Granitto.
A formal approach to compute density profiles and CMD fitting in stellar associations 2018, In Terceras Jornadas de Astrofísica Estelar, Proceedings of the conference held 21-24 June, 2016 in Córdoba, Argentina. Online at, pp.138- M Lares, L Gramajo, and B Sánchez.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Opt. follow-up of GW170817 counterpart (Diaz+, 2017) 2018, VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJ/848/L29. Originally published in: 2017ApJ…848L..29D , page J/ApJ/848/L M C Diaz, L M Macri, D Garcia Lambas, C Mendes de Oliveira, J L Nilo Castellon, T Ribeiro, B Sanchez, W Schoenell, L R Abramo, S Akras, J S Alcaniz, R Artola, M Beroiz, S Bonoli, J Cabral, R Camuccio, M Castillo, V Chavushyan, P Coelho, C Colazo, M V Costa-Duarte, H Cuevas Larenas, D L Depoy, M Dominguez Romero, D Dultzin, D Fernandez, J Garcia, C Girardini, D R Goncalves, T S Goncalves, S Gurovich, Y Jimenez-Teja, A Kanaan, M Lares, R Lopes de Oliveira, O Lopez-Cruz, J L Marshall, R Melia, A Molino, N Padilla, T Penuela, V M Placco, C Quinones, A Ramirez Rivera, V Renzi, L Riguccini, E Rios-Lopez, H Rodriguez, L Sampedro, M Schneiter, L Sodre, M Starck, S Torres-Flores, M Tornatore, and A Zadrozny.
Observations of the First Electromagnetic Counterpart to a Gravitational-wave Source by the TOROS Collaboration 2017, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L29, 5 pp. (2017). , 848:L M C Díaz, L M Macri, D Garcia Lambas, C Mendes de Oliveira, J L Nilo Castellón, T Ribeiro, B Sánchez, W Schoenell, L R Abramo, S Akras, J S Alcaniz, R Artola, M Beroiz, S Bonoli, J Cabral, R Camuccio, M Castillo, V Chavushyan, P Coelho, C Colazo, M V Costa-Duarte, H Cuevas Larenas, D L DePoy, M Domínguez Romero, D Dultzin, D Fernández, J García, C Girardini, D R Gonçalves, T S Gonçalves, S Gurovich, Y Jiménez-Teja, A Kanaan, M Lares, R Lopes de Oliveira, O López-Cruz, J L Marshall, R Melia, A Molino, N Padilla, T Peñuela, V M Placco, C Quiñones, A Ramírez Rivera, V Renzi, L Riguccini, E Ríos-López, H Rodriguez, L Sampedro, M Schneiter, L Sodré, M Starck, S Torres-Flores, M Tornatore, and A Zadrożny.
Voids and superstructures: correlations and induced large-scale velocity flows 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 470, Issue 1, p.85-94 , 470:85– Marcelo Lares, Heliana E Luparello, Victoria Maldonado, Andrés N Ruiz, Dante J Paz, Laura Ceccarelli, and Diego Garcia Lambas.
Corral framework: Trustworthy and fully functional data intensive parallel astronomical pipelines 2017, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 20, p. 140-154. , 20:140– J B Cabral, B Sánchez, M Beroiz, M Domínguez, M Lares, S Gurovich, and P Granitto.
The sparkling Universe: clustering of voids and void clumps 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 468, Issue 4, p.4822-4830 , 468:4822– Marcelo Lares, Andrés N Ruiz, Heliana E Luparello, Laura Ceccarelli, Diego Garcia Lambas, and Dante J Paz.
The sparkling Universe: A scenario for cosmic void motions 2016, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 461(4):4013– Laura Ceccarelli, Andrés N. Ruiz, Marcelo Lares, Dante J. Paz, Victoria E. Maldonado, Heliana E. Luparello, and Diego Garcia Lambas.
Void Dynamics 2016, In The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 308, pp. 530- Nelson D Padilla, Dante Paz, Marcelo Lares, Laura Ceccarelli, Diego Garcí A Lambas, Yan-Chuan Cai, and Baojiu Li.
GW150914: First Search for the Electromagnetic Counterpart of a Gravitational-wave Event by the TOROS Collaboration 2016, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 828, Issue 2, article id. L16, 6 pp. (2016). , 828:L Mario C Díaz, Martín Beroiz, Tania Peñuela, Lucas M Macri, Ryan J Oelkers, Wenlong Yuan, Diego García Lambas, Juan Cabral, Carlos Colazo, Mariano Domínguez, Bruno Sánchez, Sebastián Gurovich, Marcelo Lares, Matías Schneiter, Darío Graña, Víctor Renzi, Horacio Rodriguez, Manuel Starck, Rubén Vrech, Rodolfo Artola, Antonio Chiavassa Ferreyra, Carla Girardini, Cecilia Quiñones, Luis Tapia, Marina Tornatore, Jennifer L Marshall, Darren L DePoy, Marica Branchesi, Enzo Brocato, Nelson Padilla, Nicolas A Pereyra, Soma Mukherjee, Matthew Benacquista, and Joey Key.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: LMC star clusters catalog (Palma+, 2016) 2016, VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/586/A41. Originally published in: 2016A&A…586A..41P , pages J/A+A/586/A T Palma, L V Gramajo, J J Claria, M Lares, D Geisler, and A V Ahumada.
- Results of optical follow-up observations of advanced LIGO triggers from O1 in the southern hemisphere 2016, In APS April Meeting 2016, abstract id. R14. Martin Beroiz, Carlos Colazo, Mario Diaz, Mariano Dominguez, Diego Garcia Lambas, Sebastian Gurovich, Marcelo Lares, Lucas Macri, Tania Penuela, Horacio Rodriguez, Bruno Sanchez, and Toros Collaboration.
Catalogue of Large Magellanic Cloud star clusters observed in the Washington photometric system 2016, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 586, id.A41, 17 pp. , 586:A T Palma, L V Gramajo, J J Clariá, M Lares, D Geisler, and A V Ahumada.
The sparkling Universe: the coherent motions of cosmic voids 2016, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 455, Issue 1, p.L99-L103 , 455:L99–L Diego García Lambas, Marcelo Lares, Laura Ceccarelli, Andrés N Ruiz, Dante J Paz, Victoria E Maldonado, and Heliana E Luparello.
Brightest group galaxies and the large-scale environment 2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 448, Issue 2, p.1483-1493 , 448:1483– H E Luparello, M Lares, D Paz, C Y Yaryura, D G Lambas, and N Padilla.
Clues on void evolution - III. Structure and dynamics in void shells 2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 448, Issue 2, p.1471-1482 , 448:1471– Andrés N Ruiz, Dante J Paz, Marcelo Lares, Heliana E Luparello, Laura Ceccarelli, and Diego García Lambas.
Void Dynamics 2014, page arXiv:1410. Nelson Padilla, Dante Paz, Marcelo Lares, Laura Ceccarelli, Diego Garcia Lambas, Yan-Chuan Cai, and Baojiu Li.
Clues on void evolution-II. Measuring density and velocity profiles on SDSS galaxy redshift space distortions 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 436, Issue 4, p.3480-3491 , 436:3480– Dante Paz, Marcelo Lares, Laura Ceccarelli, Nelson Padilla, and Diego García Lambas.
Clues on void evolution - I. Large-scale galaxy distributions around voids 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 434, Issue 2, p.1435-1442 , 434:1435– L Ceccarelli, D Paz, M Lares, N Padilla, and D García Lambas.
Effects of superstructure environment on galaxy groups 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 432, Issue 2, p.1367-1374 , 432:1367– H E Luparello, M Lares, C Y Yaryura, D Paz, N Padilla, and D G Lambas.
The influence of superstructures on bright galaxy environments: clustering properties 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 426, Issue 1, pp. 708-718. , 426:708– C Y Yaryura, M Lares, H E Luparello, D J Paz, D G Lambas, N Padilla, and M A Sgró.
Properties of Satellite Galaxies in the SDSS Photometric Survey: Luminosities, Colors, and Projected Number Density Profiles 2011, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 142, Issue 1, article id. 13, 13 pp. (2011). , 142: M Lares, D G Lambas, and M J Domínguez.
Future virialized structures: an analysis of superstructures in the SDSS-DR 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 415, Issue 1, pp. 964-976. , 415:964– H Luparello, M Lares, D G Lambas, and N Padilla.
The faint-end of the galaxy luminosity function in galaxy systems 2006, In XI IAU Regional Latin American Meeting of Astronomy (Eds. L. Infante & M. Rubio) Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 26, pp. 194 M Lares and D G Lambas.
The faint-end of the galaxy luminosity function in groups 2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 445, Issue 1, January I 2006, pp.51-58 , 445:51– R E González, M Lares, D G Lambas, and C Valotto.
- Dynamical segregation of galaxies into groups and clusters 2004, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 352, Issue 2, pp. 501-507. , 352:501– M Lares, D G Lambas, and A G Sánchez.
Articles with large collaborations
- TOROS optical follow-up of the advanced LIGO-VIRGO O2 second observational campaign 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 493(2):2207– Rodolfo Artola, Martin Beroiz, Juan Cabral, Richard Camuccio, Moises Castillo, Vahram Chavushyan, and et al.
- Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger 2017, The Astrophysical Journal , 848(2):L B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, and et al.
Observations of the first electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational-wave source by the TOROS collaboration 2017, The Astrophysical Journal , 848(2):L M. C. Díaz, L. M. Macri, D. Garcia Lambas, C. Mendes de Oliveira, J. L. Nilo Castellón, T. Ribeiro, B. Sánchez, W. Schoenell, L. R. Abramo, S. Akras, J. S. Alcaniz, R. Artola, M. Beroiz, S. Bonoli, J. Cabral, R. Camuccio, M. Castillo, V. Chavushyan, P. Coelho, C. Colazo, M. V. Costa-Duarte, H. Cuevas Larenas, D. L. DePoy, M. Domínguez Romero, D. Dultzin, D. Fernández, J. García, C. Girardini, D. R. Gonçalves, T. S. Gonçalves, S. Gurovich, Y. Jiménez- Teja, A. Kanaan, M. Lares, R. Lopes de Oliveira, O. López-Cruz, J. L. Marshall, R. Melia, A. Molino, N. Padilla, T. Peñuela, V. M. Placco, C. Quiñones, A. Ramírez Rivera, V. Renzi, L. Riguccini, E. Ríos-López, H. Rodriguez, L. Sampedro, M. Schneiter, L. Sodré, M. Starck, S. Torres-Flores, M. Tornatore, and A. Zadrożny.
- Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW 2016, The Astrophysical Journal Leters , 826(1):L B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, and et al.
- Supplement: “Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 826, L13) 2016, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 225(1): B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, and et al. (as a member of the TOROS collaboration)
Refereed articles on Conferences
- Orientation of galactic disks around Illustris voids 2018, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 60, p.130-132 , 60:130– F Dávila Kurbán, M Lares, and D Garcia Lambas.
- Implicaciones antropológicas y teológicas de la escatología científica 2017, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 59, p. 206-208 , 59:206– J Funes, M Lares, and M De los Rios.
- OTHER: A multidisciplinary approach to the search for other inhabited worlds 2017, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 59, p. 203-205 , 59:203– J Funes, M Lares, M De los Rios, M Martiarena, and A V Ahumada.
- Cosmic void clumps 2017, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 59, p. 115-117 , 59:115– M Lares, H E Luparello, D Garcia Lambas, A N Ruiz, L Ceccarelli, and D Paz.
- Tratamiento formal de imágenes astronómicas con PSF espacialmente variable 2017, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 59, p. 209-212 , 59:209– B O Sánchez, M J Domínguez, and M Lares.
- The brightest group galaxies and their large-scale environment 2015, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.57, p.67-69 , 57:67– H E Luparello, M Lares, D Paz, C Y Yaryura, D G Lambas, and N D Padilla.
- Detección automática de eventos transitorios en galaxias 2015, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.57, p.172-174 , 57:172– B O Sánchez, M Lares, and M J Domínguez.
- Estadísticas de visitas en portales web institucionales como indicador de respuesta del público a prop- uestas de divulgación 2012, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.55, p.505-509 , 55:505– M Lares.
- Percepción del tamaño de la Luna 2012, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.55, p.509-513 , 55:509– M Lares.
- Superestructuras y las propiedades del clustering de galaxias brillantes 2012, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.55, p.373-377 , 55:373– C Y Yaryura, M Lares, H E Luparello, D J Paz, D G Lambas, N Padilla, and M A Sgró.
- Superestructuras en el universo: caracterización e identificación en el catálgo SDSS-DR 2011, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.54, p.321-324 , 54:321– H E Luparello, M Lares, D García Lambas, and N Padilla.
- Correlaciones entre sistemas del Universo Local y el Fondo de Radiación Cósmica 2011, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.54, p.361-364 , 54:361– M P Piccirilli, H E Luparello, D García Lambas, H Vucetich, M Lares, and M J L Domínguez Romero.
- Propiedades estadísticas de galaxias en las futuras estructuras más grandes del universo 2010, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.53, p.47-50 , 53:47– M Lares, Y Yaryura, and D García Lambas.
- Propiedades generales de radiogalaxias y galaxias centrales de cúmulos con el SDSS espectroscópico 2009, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.52, p.193-196 , 52:193– S Gurovich, C G Bornancini, M Lares, A L O’Mill, D García Lambas, and M Dione.
- Propiedades estadísticas de galaxias de baja luminosidad en cúmulos: distribuciones de luminosidades y colores 2009, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.52, p.201-204 , 52:201– M Lares and D García Lambas.
- La función de luminosidad de supercúmulos de galaxias 2009, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.52, p.205-208 , 52:205– H Luparello, M Lares, and D García Lambas.
- Determinación estadística de propiedades de la subestructura de materia: Número de satélites. 2008, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.51, p.267-270 , 51:267– M Lares and D García Lambas.
- Sistemas de galaxias luminosas rojas: Supercúmulos a partir de sobredensidades de galaxias en el catálogo fotométrico del SDSS. 2008, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.51, p.275-278 , 51:275– H Luparello, M Lares, and D García Lambas.
- Detailed description of masks in small areas of photometric galaxy catalogs 2007, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.50, p.255-258 , 50:255– M Lares.
- Galaxy number density profile around bright isolated galaxies 2006, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.49, p.303-306 , 49:303– M Lares and D García Lambas.
- Statistical properties of satellite galaxies 2004, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.47, p.365-368 , 47:365– M Lares and D García Lambas.
- Dinámica de galaxias en grupos 2003, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.46, p.107 , 46: M Lares, D García Lambas, A G Sánchez, and M E Merchán.
- Estudio Fotométrico del Centauro (2060) Chiron 2000, Boletín de la Asociacióon Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 44, p. 22 , 44: A A Alvarez-Candal, R Duffard, M Lares, M Leiva, M C Pivato, and A G Sánchez. An updated list of my publications can be found in my ORCID profile:
Technical developments
- AEGIS: Academic Exam Generator for Interchange and Shuffe 2020, page Marcelo Lares.
- HEARSAY: Simulations for the probability of alien contact 2020, page ascl:2006. Marcelo Lares, José Funes, Luciana Gramajo, and Juan Cabral. →Reviewed and indexed by Astrophysics Source Code Library
- GriSPy: Fixed-radius nearest neighbors grid search in Python 2019, page ascl:1912. Martín Chalela, Emanuel Sillero, Luis Pereyra, Mario A. Garcia, Juan B. Cabral, Marcelo Lares, and Manuel Merchán. →Reviewed and indexed by Astrophysics Source Code Library
- Properimage: Image coaddition and subtraction 2019, page ascl:1904. Bruno O. Sánchez, Juan B. Cabral, M. Beroiz, M. Domínguez, and M. Lares. →Reviewed and indexed by Astrophysics Source Code Library
- CPF: Corral Pipeline Framework 2018, page ascl:1808. Juan Cabral, Bruno Sanchez, Martin Beroiz, Mariano Dominguez, Marcelo Lares, Sebastian Gurovich, and Pablo Granitto. →Reviewed and indexed by Astrophysics Source Code Library
- VizieR Online Data Catalog: Opt. follow-up of GW170817 counterpart (Diaz+, 2017) 2018, VizieR Online Data Catalog , page J/ApJ/848/L M. C. Diaz, L. M. Macri, D. Garcia Lambas, C. Mendes de Oliveira, J. L. Nilo Castellon, T. Ribeiro, B. Sanchez, W. Schoenell, L. R. Abramo, S. Akras, J. S. Alcaniz, R. Artola, M. Beroiz, S. Bonoli, J. Cabral, R. Camuccio, M. Castillo, V. Chavushyan, P. Coelho, C. Colazo, M. V. Costa-Duarte, H. Cuevas Larenas, D. L. Depoy, M. Dominguez Romero, D. Dultzin, D. Fernandez, J. Garcia, C. Girardini, D. R. Goncalves, T. S. Goncalves, S. Gurovich, Y. Jimenez- Teja, A. Kanaan, M. Lares, R. Lopes de Oliveira, O. Lopez-Cruz, J. L. Marshall, R. Melia, A. Molino, N. Padilla, T. Penuela, V. M. Placco, C. Quinones, A. Ramirez Rivera, V. Renzi, L. Riguccini, E. Rios-Lopez, H. Rodriguez, L. Sampedro, M. Schneiter, L. Sodre, M. Starck, S. Torres-Flores, M. Tornatore, and A. Zadrozny. →Member of the TOROS project
An updated sample of software projects can be found in my GitHub profile:
Teaching Activities
Teaching positions
- Adjoint Professor, Córdoba 2017 – today
- Assistant Professor, Córdoba 2007 – 2017
- Teaching assistant, Córdoba 2001 – 2006
Daza Perilla, Vanessa. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Argentina Ph.D. program, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física 2017– Machine learning detection of transient and periodic objects
Dávila Kurbán, Federico. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Argentina Ph.D. program, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física 2017– The internal structure of cosmic voids
Luparello, Heliana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Argentina graduate program, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física 2017– The largest structures in the Universe
- reviewer
- Montly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2020
- Astronomy and Astrophysics 2004
- BAAA 2017
Scientific organizing Comitees
- FoF2018 Córdoba Friends of friends meeting 2018
Peer-review evaluation for CONICET research career positions.
Member of evaluation committees for evaluation of teaching positions, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Member of Thesis evaluation tribunals
Member of master degree final work evaluation tribunals
Evaluation of I+D projects, Secyt, UNC (2016)
Comisiones asesoras de doctorado
Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía AAA Technical Editor, Argentina 2011-
3rd. stellar astrophysics meeting AAA Technical Editor, Argentina 2017
Local organizing Comitees
FoF2018 Córdoba Friends of friends meeting (head of the LOC) 2018
- Soporte a la Decisión ante Covid-19 UNDEFI Codirección de Proyecto., (Aprobado por la Resolución Rectoral UNDEF 114/2020). 05/20–04/ Monto del financiamiento:$150. 000 Ejecutado por CRUC-IUA - Universidad de la Defensa Nacional
- Estudios estadisticos y dinámicos de la estructura en gran escala del universo PI: Diego Garcia Lambas, PICT-2015-3098 2017– AR$ 630000 ANPCyT
- Astronomía Computacional PI: Diego Garcia Lambas 2017– AR$ 5000000 CONICET
- Astronomía Computacional PI: Diego Garcia Lambas 2017– AR$ 5000000 CONICET
- Dinámica de las grandes estructuras en el Universo PI: Marcelo Lares 2016– AR$ 17000 UNC-Secyt
- Formación de estructuras en gran escala del universo PI: Dante Paz, co-PI: Marcelo Lares 2016– AR$ 26280 UNC-Secyt Program
- Estudios sobre el sector oscuro PI: Mariano Domínguez, co-PI: Marcelo Lares, 11220150100797CO 2015– AR$ 150000 UNC-Secyt Program
- Estructura en gran escala del universo y su evolución PI: Diego García Lambas 2014– AR$ 24000
- Formacion de estructuras en el Universo PI: Mario Abadi 2012– AR$ 9360 UNC–Secyt program
- Formación de estructuras y evolución de galaxias a partir de estudios de galaxias satélites PI: Marcelo Lares, SeCyT-UNC 30820110100330 2012– AR$ 3500 UNC–Secyt
- Formación de estructuras en el universo PI: María Victoria Alonso, PIP 112-201101-01014 2012– AR$ 215000 CONICET
- Evolucion de la estructura en el universo PI: Diego García Lambas, PICT-2010-2639 2010– AR$ 291200 ANPCyT–BID 2437/OC-AR
- Evolución de la estructura en el universo PI: Diego García Lambas 2009– AR$ 300000
- Evolución de la estructura en el universo PI: Diego García Lambas, PIP 112-200801-00706 2008– AR$ 216000 CONICET–PIP
- Evolución de la Estructura en el Universo PI: Diego García Lambas, PID 2008 2009– AR$ 30000 ANCPCyT
- Formacion y evolucion de galaxias y estructuras en el universo PI: Diego García Lambas, PIP 5420 - 2005/2006 2006– AR$ 210000 CONICET–PIP
- Evolución de la estructura del Universo PI: Diego García Lambas, PID 2006 2006– AR$ 10000 ANPCyT
- Propiedades de la Distribución de Satélites en Galaxias Simuladas PI: Mario Abadi 2005– AR$ 10000 UNC–Secyt
- LENAC. Latinamerican European Network for Astrophysics and Cosmology PI: Carlos Frenk 2004– EUR 950000 LENAC–EU
Organization of Meetings
- FoF Meeting 2018 ICTP PI: Diego Garcia Lambas, Conferencia anual del IATE-OAC-CONICET. 04/ EUR 2000 ICTP
- FoF Meeting 2018 AAA PI: Marcelo Lares 04/ ARS 37500 AAA
- FoF Meeting 2018 ANPCyT PI: Diego Garcia Lambas 04/ ARS 40000 ANPCyT
- FoF Meeting 2018 UNC–Secyt PI: Marcelo Lares 04/ ARS 7000 UNC–Secyt
Science Outreach
- OAC general public conferences Speaker Conference, OAC 2018, 2017, 2015 + Night of the museums Organizer, speaker Conference, organizer, OAC 2019, 2018, 2017
- ScientificAmerican Press , Want to Talk to Aliens? Try Changing the Technological Channel beyond Radio, by Adam Mann 29/04/
- Nature news Press Press, “The sparkling universe: coherent motions of cosmic voids” by Ron Cowen 10/
- OAC Exhibitions Organizer Gagarin 50 - FETTU - OAC 140 Aniversary 2010-
- OAC Web page Developer design, administration and mainteinance, 2010-
- BIAAA Editor Informative bulletin of the Argentine Astronomy Asociation 2008-
- EABA - OAC Visitor guide Summer seasons at astrophysical station, guided tours to schools 2003-
Media, interviews
- Como es la tecnología con la que se analizan los escenarios post-cuarentena. Periferia Press note 29/04/ Argentina
- Investigadores del OAC proponen herramientas para entender el coronavirus. Prensa UNC Press Release, Córdoba 11/04/ Argentina
- Arcovid, el soporte que permite entender el Coronavirus El Show del Lagarto. EldoceTV TV interview, Córdoba 08/04/ Argentina
- Comerse la curva. Revista El gato y la caja. Press note, Mención por Pablo A. González. 05/04/ Argentina
- Arcovid19: Herramientas para ayudar a entender y combatir el Coronavirus. Prensa OAC Press release, Córdoba 04/04/ Argentina
- Noche de los museos 2018 OAC-UNC Public talk, Córdoba 26/10/ Argentina
- Noche de los museos 2017 OAC-UNC Public talk, Córdoba 01/12/ Argentina
- TalkRadio Radio interview 9/ UK
- Canal 10 interview 9/ Argentina
- Canal 12 interview 9/ Argentina
- Catholic news mention 9/
- Radio Nacional Mendoza Interview 9/ Argentina
- Radio de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Interview 9/ Argentina
- Convenios de cooperación entre la UNSa y proyectos astronómicos en Salta General public Conference 12/ Argentina
Community and social services
- Project ARCOVID19 – https: // ivco19. github. io/ Member of the multidisciplinary group Arcovid19, aimed at designing tools for decision support in the context of the SARS–COVID 19 pandemic. The team also worked on public outreach and participated on several seminars and meetings about the topic.
- Industry Outreach I participated in several collaborations with the industry, including two “high level technological services” certificated by the outreach office of the CONICET.
- Name: Astronomy Association of Argentina Type: Annual Meetings Location: Dates: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020. Role: Atendee, Posters and speaker.
- Name: COSMOSUR III Type: Periodic workshop Location: Córdoba Date: 2015 Role: Invited talk
- Name: Friends of Friends Meetings Type: Periodic workshop Location: Córdoba, Argentina Date: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 (organizer) and 2019. Role: Attendee, speaker
- Name: AAA thematic Workshops Type: Workshop Location: Date: Astronomía Teórica en Argentina: Problemas y Perspectivas (2007), 2011 Role: Attendee
- Name: SCS PIRE Summer School on the Large Scale Structure-CMB connection Type: School Location: Chile Date: 2006 Role: Attendee
- Name: IAG-LENAC XIII Advanced School of Astrophysics & LENAC Special Session Type: School Location: Foz do Iguaçú, Brazil Date: 2006 Role: Attendee
- Name: 11th Latin-American Regional IAU Meeting Type: Periodic Meeting Location: Pucón, Chile Date: 2005 Role: Attendee
- Name: ESO Workshop: Groups of Galaxies in the nearby universe Type: Workshop Location: Santiago, Chile Date: Role: Attendee
- Name: MPA/ ESO/ MPE/ USM Joint Astronomy Conference: Open Questions in Cosmology: the first Billion years Type: Conference Location: Garching, Germany Date: 2005 Role: Attendee
- Name: Advanced Chilean School: First Large Scale Structures in the Universe and their evolution Type: School Location: Santiago, Chile Date: 2004 Role: Attendee
- Name: Fifth J.J. Giambiagi Winter School of Physics: Precision Cosmology Type: School Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: 2003 Role: Attendee
- Programming Languages: Python, R, Fortran
- Spanish: Native – English: Conversational.
- Computational tools and technical skills: git, continuous integration (TravisCI), OpenMP, python scientific libraries, readthedocs, shell programming, Latex, HPC, parallel programming, machine learning, HTML.